Composite Bonding

Composite Bonding

“Composite bonding” is one of the most frequently used treatment methods in aesthetic dentistry to ensure tooth integrity. Bonding, which is an additional treatment method for restoring dental aesthetics, is very effective in changing the shape and size of the tooth, as well as changing the color of the tooth, or correcting its defects.

“Composite bonding” provides dental aesthetics in a positive way. It is a solid preventive treatment method in terms of oral and dental health. Composite filling material is applied by sticking it to the tooth without causing damage such as wear on the teeth. In this application; First of all, the most suitable color is selected according to the patient’s tooth color scale. The filling material is gradually placed in the area. The combination of the material with the tooth is checked, and it is brought to its final shape, and the treatment is terminated with the polishing process.

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Composite Bonding Teeth

Bonding is done without damaging the teeth, thanks to the bonding processes, and is applied to bring the person’s smile to an aesthetic appearance. The bonding technique, which is performed without tooth cutting or abrasion, for small gaps between the teeth of the person, is called bonding treatment. Bonding treatment;

  • Repair of cracked and chipped teeth
  • Elimination of space between teeth
  • Hiding deformed teeth
  • Bringing small teeth to normal sizes
  • Improving the appearance of stained or discolored teeth
  • Repair of rotten teeth

known as treatments.

Composite Bonding
Composite Bonding

During the treatment, the structure of the tooth is not altered in any way. None of the cutting, shaving and abrasion processes are applied. Bonding treatment usually results in a single session. Depending on the number of teeth to be applied in a single session, the application is completed in an average of 1-2 hours. With a successful bonding treatment, the fillings are used up to 10 years without any problems. The long-term durability of the treatment is directly proportional to the importance that the patient gives to oral hygiene.

How is Bonding Treatment Done?

Bonding application is completed with an average of 1-2 hours. Thanks to the composite fillings used in dentistry, a very quick and successful work can be done. A simple examination is performed before this procedure, which is frequently used when the defects in the tooth need to be corrected. Whether there is a need for anesthesia or how to apply to which tooth is planned by the patient in line with his wishes.

“Bonding Treatment Application Stages”

  • Necessary filling additions are made to the teeth to remove the color and structural defect of the yellowed teeth.
  • Filling materials that are most suitable for the tooth structure are selected for the process of filling the gap between the teeth.
  • The polishing process of the areas called microphiles in the structure of the tooth takes place.
  • After the polishing process, the bonding material is adhered to the necessary areas of the teeth.
  • After the procedures, the shaping process is applied by the specialist physician .
  • In an average of 1-2 hours, the process of shaping and bringing the teeth to a durable structure is completed and the treatment is terminated.
Composite Bonding

Within 48 hours after the bonding treatment applied, you should stay away from colored foods and beverages as much as possible in order to prevent stains or to minimize their formation. Tea, coffee and cigarettes can cause coloring of the material used in the bonding application. For this reason, we do not recommend the use of these foods and beverages before 48 hours have passed.

Bonded Composite Restorations

Bonding treatment is aesthetic restorations made using composite filling materials specially produced for the teeth in the anterior region. During the bonding application, the structure of the tooth is not altered. By using “Dental Composite”, restorations of fractures, deformities and spaces between teeth are realized.

The permanence time of the bonding application varies according to some situations. The biggest factor affecting the duration of permanence, which varies from person to person, is due to improper oral care. The permanence of the bonding application will increase if the person does not neglect daily brushing, flossing and mouthwash use and pays attention to cigarette consumption.

Composite Bonding Near Me

In many parts of the world, bonding treatment applications are applied for complaints of dental disorders. However, there are factors that should be considered in choosing a physician before applying.

“The Professional Equipment of the Physician”

The most important point in choosing a dentist is the professional equipment of the doctor you will choose. Your dentist should have a valid diploma and be at a level that can meet your expectations and needs regarding your teeth.

“The Structure of the Examination”

You need to pay attention to the hygiene of the practice, its assistants, the materials to be used and whether it is reliable. If these elements are carried out professionally, you will have chosen the right practice and physician.

Composite Bonding

Erce Beleçoğlu , who is a “Private Dental Hospital” with the features we have mentioned , continues its success in the field of aesthetic dentistry. It offers bonding treatment services to patients from different countries of the world. Erce Beleçoğlu helps you with your transfer processes and accommodation facilities around the world within the framework of ” Health Tourism “. Thanks to its unique and reliable treatments, it puts an end to dental disorders that many patients are uncomfortable with. You can reach us by calling the contact numbers in order to benefit from these opportunities of Erce Beleçoğlu.

Composite Bonding Cost

It is not possible to say clearly the cost of the bonding treatment. The reason is that the wishes and treatment processes of many people differ. It is possible to determine the price by deciding on the necessary procedures and treatment methods after being examined by Erce Beleçoğlu. Many factors affect bonding treatment prices.

“Number of Teeth to be Treated”

While bonding treatment is performed, how many teeth will be applied causes the cost to change. In case of intervention on more than one tooth, it is seen that the price will increase in the same proportion due to the increase in the need for treatment.

“Experience Level of the Dentist”

The experience level of the dentist can change the price of the application to be applied. Experienced, highly reputable dentists may have to work with higher costs for bonding dental services.

“Additional Treatments”

Additional treatments may be needed during the application. For example, if calculus removal is required in addition to the bonding application, the cost may increase. For this reason, it may cause changes in the cost of additional treatments.

When the costs of dental aesthetics are examined, it is determined that bonding treatment costs are included in tariffs with different fees compared to other application costs. For this reason, many people prefer related treatment methods.

If you want to have a perfect smile and benefit from “Composite Bonding” treatments, you can take part in treatment studies with Erce Beleçoğlu. You can access us to make an appointment with our Ankara-based clinic, Turkey, and to request support for the domestic and international transfer process. To have information about treatments, you can reach us from our contact numbers on our website.

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